Use Cases

Computational Models to 

Understand, Predict and Control

Scale um, Metal Micro switch

The model itself is a fully coupled electric-heating-mechanical 3D problem in Comsol. An on/off switch in SimuLink controls the voltage of the actuator. The simulation shows the (scaled) movement and stresses of the actuator.

Scale mm, Porous Material emissions

Quadruple physics in Comsol: heat, flow, humidity, pollutant is required to simulate material emissions. The figure shows four distributions of the temperature, air velocity, humidity and pollutant concentration inside a small space including a pollutant source.

Scale m, Concrete Building seismic vibration

Simulating seismic vibration of a building in Comsol. The simulation shows the movement and induced stresses of the construction at an earth quake event of 20 seconds.

Scale km: Air flow in Urban area

Complex stream patterns, due to building configuations automatically made in MatLab and simulated in Comsol.  

Scale Mm: European map on energy usage in the far future

Large data sets of the recent past and future climate in Europe  were used in MatLab to simulate building energy use for heating and cooling. In blue, areas with less future energy demand, in red visa versa.  

©CompuToolAble 2025

MatLab, SimuLink are registered trademarks of Mathworks Inc. which is not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity, product, or service. Comsol is a registered trademark of Comsol Inc. which is not overseeing, involved with, or responsible for this activity, product, or service.